Expert Telematika
Web site for Lithuanian company of transport monitoring
This project was a demand from the company Expert Telematica. It is the site with multiple pages. The site was created by analyzing and considering the interests of the company, and by also keeping in mind the business and marketing principles. The most important part of this project is being able to build a website that is at the same time simple and comprehensible, even though it contains all the necessary information needed for clients.

Used font is sans-serif Roboto. The main color is dark violet on the background, also there are 2 shades of this color as secondary colors to make a contrast where it is necessary. On the site it is also used black (#000000) and white (#ffffff) and grey (#cfcdcd) especially for text. Also it was used light blue for nuances as it is the second company's color.
Dark background
The site is made with dark violet on the background, as a main color of the company.
All over the site there is prepared illustrations and icons made for Expert Telematika.
In this site there are several shop-pages to buy monitoring objects online. On each page there is all characteristics needed to understand if you need this object or not.
For construction business there is a long read which can be useful to understand how this company can help in this area of work.
Mobile version
This web site is adapted for all types of devices such as mobile phones.